Even something as simple as ear ache is not nice. Anything causing pain in your head is difficult, now since last night, my eyes are streaming too. That, in my book, is a double whammy. The pain in my ears, and throat has now migrated to my eyes... why? This, of course, complicates everything, as I can't see clearly now. It's a bit like crying non, stop, until your eyes close, swell, and shine redly....mmm, done a bit of that too, in my life, ah well. So, sigh, its all such a bore, and a drag. Do those two words sum it up, do you think? Anything, which a makes your life more difficult is unwanted anyway. Also, unnecessary right now, when I have the dark days, and cold to deal with too. I shall have to work at being healthy again, very quickly, before I lose the will to care.
I remember the first bout of ear ache I ever had. I was about eight years old, maybe even seven. When first struck with this pain in the head...got? Anyway, it was a major for me at that time. I must have been quite poorly, as I not only stayed off school, but had to stay in bed for what seemed like weeks. This was in the Summer too, as. I remember, light, long days, that I wasn't enjoying. Although I expect it was one, or two weeks marooned in that bedroom, at the most.
Of course, I was staying at my grandparents house, the place I choose to be, if ever given the option. Lots of time, I don't think I had the option anyway, I was just left there, which was fine by me. Having lived there for the first four, or five years of my life, I suppose it felt more like home to me. The doctor was coming to see me nearly every day. He was a tall, thin, dark man, very dour, and serious, bending over the bed, as my grandmother looked on. I got bought a big box, of some sort by my Auntie, and Uncle, who had no children of their own. They never missed a special occasion. Whether birthdays, bonfire nights, or anything else. I don't remember what the present was, except, it was a flat box, and had lots of little sections in it. It could have been some sort of art, or craft set, as I was always drawing. I remember sorting it out, checking what was in all the little sections. Although really, the excitement was in 'getting' a present unexpectedly. I don't think I played with it much, I think I must have slept a lot during that time.
I had ear aches every year after that, in fact. I remember my ears were always a problem. They still are, when ever I get any kind of infection. When I had earaches in the past, my grandmother, always encouraged me to curl up in the big armchair, on granddads side of the hearth. She would then hold a soft, folded cloth, near the open fire, and then give it to me to hold to my ear. It was bliss, having heat on the painful ache. Still today, so many years later, the warmth of a heating pack, does more than anything else, to help me feel better, and to relax.
It's funny how pain becomes associated with certain people isn't it. Also with the place it happened to you. You can see how childhood incidents become traumatic to a child, so firmly entrenched in their past as they are. So deeply buried, and part of you, as they must be. Perhaps everyone has such memories of childhood, I know I have a lot. Not all are good, but always the ones associated with my Grandparents were happy, and pleasant, so I am lucky. Not all children are so fortunate in their family.
Ahh, always give thanks for the wonderful things in your life. I believe, the more you concentrate on the good things in your life, the more things of that type, are drawn to you. Now, while thinking of the past, is a good time to give thanks for having a wonderful family. To just dismiss, and forget those that were not.
Thank you for my wonderful grandparents, and other family around me, now. May I continue to be blessed with such people in my life.
As I wish for you all.
Thinking...the past