Now, as you have probably noticed, I am a woman. As a woman, my age is something I will never admit to. Not because I am in any way against getting older, or for any other reason to do with pride, or ageing. I merely hate the fact so many things in society demand you state your age. WHY?
For example, almost everything you fill in on the Internet, they always insist on knowing your age. Your full date of birth usually...again, WHY? What difference does it make to anything except the modern trend for gathering logistics. I am not a logistic, I am a person. Someone who prefers, and thinks it's my right to forget about my D.O.B simply because it's part of my ethos for living. After all, it's the living that is important isn't it!
As someone who believes in positive thought, and taking care what you think about, or worry about. As I know, that what you expect, either what you worry about, or hope for, is too often, exactly what you end up with. It's important to police your thoughts, to marshal your dreams, to create what you want in your life. Believing, and knowing, that your expectations are exactly what you draw, inexorably, towards you. It will become part of your life.
Therefore, forgetting your age, and your date of birth is a positive thing. It is not good to be constantly stating your age, thinking about the years that have gone, or might be shortening ahead of you. It's not good to subscribe to the expectations of any particular age. How, you are expected to dress, to behave, to think. I want to forget all of that. Taking the decision many years ago, to think of age no more. Why should we be pegged by something so trivial. My not who I am!
Neither are the wrinkles appearing on my face. As inside, I remain very young, sixteen, seventeen, twenty, O.K. forty, at the most. Something to remember when you next look at or speak to what looks like an old lady, or gentleman. You could give them a nasty shock if you mention something of their great age...they may have forgotten they look a lot older than their soul feels inside their body. Instead, treat them as an equal, don't be agist, or conciliatory.
For many years, I had only a vague idea of how old I was. Perhaps because my younger brother always said jokingly, he was 28. Then, when he died far too young! I, being a year older than he, kept up the joke, saying I was only 29. Dismissing the need to count every year, or part year. Isn't that something children do? Saying, I am twelve, and three quarters... I have no need to think, or behave like a child. Do you?
Therefore, Internet, or the web in any capacity, what does it matter? I find since the net has grown so big, it's become impossible to avoid filling in the same information time after time. It seems there is always some random form, or other, refusing to let me continue, or go onto the next step unless I furnish my DOB. It's coercion isn't it, being forced to fill in details you would rather not. Even blackmail, why should they get away from it. Just so they can log, and assess the so called habits, and preferences of any particular age. They are only trying to tie us in, even tighter.
Anyway, I digress, and digress quite badly. All this is going in exactly the wrong direction. I wanted to talk about keeping young at heart, as you are getting older. How not to be diverted into areas that do you no good. That make you old before your time. I suppose avoiding thinking about your age, is important too. So, perhaps it's not such a big digression after all.
As for the other things I mentioned in yesterday article, basically, condensed, I tried to persuade you, we all, to keep moving. Both with moving your body, and moving your mind. Don't get stuck in a rut. That applies to what you wear,and how you think. You don't want to be one of these people who walk around looking as if they stepped out of a magazine of thirty years ago. Neither do you want to think that way either. Read, think, talk, discus, write, keep up with what's happening, or you will become a dinosaur! Remember, we none of us want to be leathery skinned, and too large to move quickly, do we.
I believe in re encarnation, but that doesn't mean I don't have to make the most of every second of this life. You are here for a purpose, make sure you do everything you can, to discover it.
Life is important, love, live, and be happy...better yet, dance, sing, and laugh....
Happy days to you all
The shortened version...almost.