We party, if we are able. We celebrate with a drink or a kiss at midnight, better yet, both. We try to spend it with friends, or family. With the people we love, those who we hope to have even better times with next year, than last. If not with people, at least it's a time for reflection, for a girding of the loins for another year Most of all we make resolutions...although some of us will staunchly refuse to do that. But it's still there, in your head, around you, saying go on, go on. Make some resolutions, promise yourself to be better at this or that. At the very least it's tradition. At its best, it's a great opportunity, not to be missed.
As a writer, ideas intreague me, customs interest me. As a psychic, who saw and felt the kind of spiritual changes that happened on that bigger new beginning, for the millennium of 2000. I know its significance, I realise its opportunity, its importance. Let's face it, why would any sensible person ignore a positive opportunity. No one would, of course not. Yet it's a well known fact, that of those who make a whole raft of new resolutions, few are kept beyond the first month. Before they fizzle out, or are forgotten, just given up on. That doesn't mean you shouldn't make some thought. I think we should. Maybe we should be a little more subtle, a little bit realistic...or, as I like to think of it, smart! By smart, I actually mean that instead of making neat, tight resolutions, you should be sweeping, be grand, be...impressive with your imagination. I actually dislike the word realistic a lot! Mainly because when I am trying to explain about being positive, about attitudes being important, about having a more 'gung ho' attitude to life, people respond by saying ' you have to be realistic.' Well...not if that means you must accept what you have now as being the only possibility for you, the only reality. Not if it means you stop yourself improving, in growing, in allowing the magic in. No, folks, forget your ideas of realism, dream big, without fencing those ideas around with the mundane. Fencing them with what your head tells you is achievable.
Yes, I know, it's complicated from the outside. You do have to have a little trust in the Universe, to let down the boundaries your life has taught you to erect...for safety's sake, the 'just in case' things. Also to realise that very small changes in attitude, can allow the big dreams to grow and flourish. Words are important, so watch what you say. Either to yourself, or to others. We all know that if you tell others your new resolutions they can and do chip away at them. So we try to keep them secret, or at least I used to. For example, if you say 'right, I'm going on a diet, I am only eating proteins,' or 'cutting the carbs' or 'the sugars'. Someone is bound to say, 'have a biscuit, a cookie, or, 'come out for coffee and cake.' Or, 'once won't hurt you' or even, have you lost any weight yet?' How demoralising is that when you are struggling, it always was to me. Instead, say 'I am slim, fit, healthy'. Or, some phrase of your own imagining, as long as it is all positive words. You can still calorie count, or follow a plan, but it's the words and attitude which is important. Believe, believe, believe, visualise yourself slim, fit and perfect. Why not, you can be, the world really is your oyster. Yes, yes, I know, 'gobbledygook', but you really have to trust yourself, your inner you. Trust the knowledge and instinct we all have inside us. Then, follow your vision, follow your nose, trust! The right answers and opportunities will come, I promise you.
You know, we all have things we must overcome, it may be a temper, a bad habit, a bad home life as a child, or a personal disaster lurking in our background. It may be anything at all which causes us to feel 'less than'. Most of us have something, few of us are positive flowers of enthusiasmn and confidence. I had many things, you wouldn't know to look at me through my life, because I was a strong woman, I had to be. Although again, it took me many years to acknowledge my own power. Nevertheless, I had many 'black holes' it was only too easy to fall into at times of stress. Each crisis in my life was hard won, many times there was only me to sort out the problems for me and my children. At those times when a good friend did step forward to support me through a dreadful day, or a family member say or do something to help me, or help me feel better, are well remembered and cherished. I'm like the elephant, I never forget. But...those time, those problems and hardships do not define you, it is not who you are.
Tonight, this new year, sit down and write your perfect life. Perhaps as a list. Not writing what you think is achievable, but writing exactly how your perfect self and your life IS! Don't worry about how that could happen, where the money has to come from. In fact don't even consider how, what steps and miracles are necessary to reach there. Trusting the Universe, you never have to think of how it can come about. In fact every time one of those doubts or questions pop into your head, dismiss them. Build anew the full picture of the perfection you envisaged. Go through your list every day, ten times a day if you can, build it strongly. When you look back in a few months, you will be surprised how much of the things are already yours or within your reach.
Trust me, trust this information and trust yourself. The world is yours. All you have to do is believe it, and tell it you believe it. Happy days folks.